La Web | Resultados 1 - 100 de aproximadamente 1.260.000 de Psychological Weapons. (0,36 segundos) |
Psychological weapons added to NATO
arsenal ... U.S. Army's "PsyOps" units are also letting Serb troops
know about the arrival of new NATO military weapons.
... - 32k - |
CIA Manual: Psychological Operations in
Guerrilla Warfare. by "Tayán" ... Guerrilla Weapons are the
Strength of the People over an Illegal Government ... |
Pentagon admits psychological weapons hit
American citizens. In a shocking admission, the Pentagon concedes that
"psychological warfare" messages intended ... |
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PDF/Adobe Acrobat lion enraged and watch the working of his psychological weapons. ... These things are psychological weapons, and the males have them ... |
Specifically, it analyzes the psychological
weapons man uses to create a potent Self-Other, Good-Evil gradient.
Based on the analyses of LeShan and Perkins, ... |
This paper is an attempt to identify
psychological variables which might be used to degrade performance.
This paper is divided into four sections. |
To compare non-nuclear weapons with
respect to their psychological effectiveness requires a scaling
procedure which allows numbers to be assigned to these ... [ Más resultados de ] |
The battlefield is truly psychological in
nature, and the effects of posturing are that the individual who puffs
himself up the biggest or makes the loudest ... - 30k - |
The process of having a respected, proven,
small-unit leader, who moves behind his men and demands effective killing
activity from them (but does not ... - 31k - |
Mentions rapid gelling systems for chemweapons,
psychological weapons, ... Development of Weapons
Design Criteria Based on the SRC Psychological Index: An
... - 12k - |
"The real purpose of these weapons is to
wreak destruction via psychological means -- by inducing fear,
confusion, and uncertainty in everyday life. ... - 6k - |
Many of the earliest weapons seem to
primarily have functioned as psychological weapons, a trait
gunpowder arms would keep for a long time. ... - 47k - |
The U.S. Department of Defense defines
psychological warfare (PSYWAR) as: ... defeating the will of
the enemy was the greatest weapon for the Mongols.
... - 44k - [ Más resultados de ] |
We used it for screening missions at two
breeches and, later in the fight, as a potent psychological weapon
against the insurgents in trench lines and ...,12271,1642989,00.html - 46k - |
Field Artillery magazine, 'as a potent
psychological weapon against the insurgents in trench lines and
spider holes...' The article states that US forces ...,3604,1642575,00.html - 47k - 25 Nov 2006 - [ Más resultados de ] |
As for dirty bombs, the Health Physics Society
and the Federation of American Scientists are not writing them off as mere
psychological weapons that are ... - 28k - |
Examples of mass sociogenic illness remind us of
the dangers of inadvertently amplifying psychological responses to
chemical and biological weapons and thus ... - |
The use of terrorism (= with objective to
inspire terror rather than military gain) as a psychological weapon
is, from my point of view, as old as humankind ... - 45k - |
Psychological Consequences of Actual or
Threatened CBRNE Terrorism. 13. Psychological Weapons of Mass
Destruction through Vicarious Classical Conditioning ... |
Chiefly used as a psychological weapon.
Flamethrowers (click here) How 'sheets of flame' terrorised the British in
1915. Grenades (click here) ... - 27k - |
In the two years after Ypres, gas was more of a
psychological weapon that wore down the enemy than a killer of men.
In this context, the use of gas could ... - 65k - |
While these facets of psychological
weapons are well documented in all major wars in the world, we know
little about its use by the Lao communist government ... - 22k - |
Text: As Taiwan sees it, China is already
attacking the island with psychological weapons. Shortly
after Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui called for China
... - 5k - |
Even nonfissile radiological material could be
used to by a terrorist group to contaminate an area or to serve as a
psychological weapon. ... - 13k - [ Más resultados de ] |
Osgood's absorbing and readable study confirms
Levine's fears by showing how Eisenhower's Cold War policy
institutionalized the psychological weapons of ... - 25k - |
These psychological weapons are so
powerful that I expect more money to change hands with the clever use of
these devices than with any other marketing ... - 38k - |
... employing them as political, economic
and psychological weapons. ... The largest weapons in
Hezbollah's missile arsenal are likely to be at least ... - 23k - |
For the Pentagon, at least, the "shake and bake"
missions are a "potent psychological weapon" that will drive
the enemy "out of their holes. ... - 12k - |
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en HTML psychological weapons employed by FLN. insurgents in Algeria was to make the region. appear unstable under the control of Western. powers. ... |
Psychological Weapons in the Intimate War
by Libby Coyne and Judy Purdy. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but
words can also hurt you. ... - 33k - |
A look at the various Social Weapons that
teens use against each other with tips on how to cope and overcome.
... Social Weapons & Psychological Warfare
... - 37k - |
APA Monitor article (April 2006) discusses that
gossip can be a potent tool for forging alliances—and ostracizing
others. - 17k - |
The statement on the whole is designed to be a
psychological weapon, used to drive a wedge between NATO allies and
stir up dissent among the public in NATO ... - 216k - 25 Nov 2006 - |
Although some characteristics of BW agents
mitigate their effectiveness on the battlefield, they could serve as a
psychological weapon if employed against ... |
"The United States categorically denies the use
of chemical weapons at ... "as a potent psychological
weapon against the insurgents in trench lines and ... |
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en HTML potent psychological weapon against the insurgents in trench lines and spider holes...’ The article states that US forces used white phosphorus rounds to ... - |
Field Artillery magazine, ‘as a potent
psychological weapon against the insurgents in trench lines and
spider holes...’ The article states that US forces ...§ion=0& |
psychological warfare n. The use of
various techniques, such as propaganda ... As the war progressed,
this unconventional weapon of war slowly won grudging
... - 94k - |
... is focused on new and terrible
engines of physical de- struction, the United States has allowed its
psychological weapons to fall into desuetude. ... |
Indefensible Weapons: The Political and
Psychological Case against Nuclearism. Michael W. Howard.
Technology and Culture, Vol. 26, No. 2, 349-352. ... |
Designed seven decades ago as area-suppression
and psychological weapons to support tactical assaults against
entrenched defenders, the rockets gained a new ... - 33k - |
US military begins psychological assault
from Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, ... of electronic and
psychological weapons on the information battlefield.
... |
Psychological casualties resulting from
chemical and biological weapons from Military Medicine in Health
& Fitness provided free by LookSmart Find Articles. [ Más resultados de ] |
The U.S. military is using an arsenal of
electronic and psychological weapons to break the Iraqi military's
will to fight and sway Iraqi public opinion. ... |
As a psychological weapon, the SPS was
capable of causing general panic. The SPS would be able to transmit power
to remote military operations anywhere ... - 33k - |
As ZMag points out, there is nothing
psychological about a weapon that melts skin to the bone
while damaging the nervous system and blocking the circulation
... |
Some of the most powerful weapons in
Satan's arsenal are psychological. ... They find themselves
defeated by the most powerful psychological weapon that
... - 17k - |
Israel's most potent psychological weapon
is the holocaust: Henry Makow Ph.D. examines how Zionists have hijacked it
for their own purposes. - 28k - |
In Chapter Four, on Hitler's Psychological
Weapons (fear, slander and suspicion, hypnosis, propaganda and
'psychological artillery'), the author discusses
... - |
Pertinent psychological issues in the
immediate management of a weapons of mass destruction event. Clete
DIGIOVANNI Military medicine 166, 59-60, ... - |
This conflict leads toddlers to throw temper
tantrums and use other psychological weapons to maintain
parental investment. Few studies employing this theory ... - |
Learn how to obtain a 27 state concealed carry
weapons permit. ... for their psychological fitness
to appropriately handle a lethal weapon under both PA Act
... - 13k - |
A CIA instruction manual entitled
"Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare" provides ...
Reasons such as: "The weapons will be for winning freedom;
... - 20k - |
If nothing else, it is a highly potent
psychological weapon. Your opponent will either dedicate specific
aspects of their army to getting rid of them, ... |
Describing the chemical as “an effective and
versatile munition” and a “potent psychological weapon against the
insurgents in trench lines and spider holes ... - 28k - |
China increasingly sees ballistic missiles as
important weapons for a regional conflict or use as
psychological weapons..." ... - 28k - |
APPENDIX C 161 Lasers Lasers are used in the
non-lethal sense to function as both physiological and psychological
weapons. In the former, the goal is to ... - 71k - |
Retailers are using an expanding arsenal of
psychological weapons in the battle to part consumers from their
money. In May I reviewed Paco Underhill’s Why ... |
Title, Indefensible Weapons: The
Political and Psychological Case Against Nuclearism. Publisher,
Basic Books. City, New York, NY. Date Published, 1982 ... - 19k - |
The threat of biological weapons.
Prophylaxis and mitigation of psychological and social
consequences. HC Holloway, AE Norwood, CS Fullerton, CC Engel,
... - |
The threat of biological weapons.
Prophylaxis and mitigation of psychological and social
consequences. H. C. Holloway, A. E. Norwood, C. S. Fullerton,
... - |
The threat of biological weapons.
Prophylaxis and mitigation of psychological and social
consequences. Holloway HC, Norwood AE, Fullerton CS, Engel CC Jr,
... |
Psychological effects of weapons
of mass destruction. Warwick MC. Emergency/Terrorism Response Unit,
Missouri Department of Health, USA.MeSH Terms ... |
A psychological warfare campaign is a war
of the mind. Your primary weapons are sight and sound. PSYOP can be
disseminated by face-to-face communication, ... - 39k - |
PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE, New York: Published by Lads Publishing
Company, 1967 A general look at some psywar campaigns of the Korean
... - 102k - |
We used it for screening missions at two
breeches, and later in the fight, as a potent psychological weapon
against the insugents in trench lines and spider ... |
The situation which the world faces is dangerous
because of technological development, not because of psychological
knowledge. PsyWar ranks as a weapon, ... - 20k - |
When I began exploring the psychological
aspects of nuclear weapons. 22 years ago, I never imagined where we
would be today, and who can imagine where, ... |
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en HTML psychological weapons and techniques that con artists use to defraud people; background into. coping and prevention strategies; and, details about various ... - |
But the single most important element is a
ruthless use of two psychological weapons, loyalty and fear.
Genghis Khan makes a cunning distinction in his ... |
Air power is, above all, a psychological
weapon--and only the short-sighted soldiers, too battle-minded,
underrate the importance of psychological factors
... |
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PDF/Adobe Acrobat logical and psychological weapons were also used. This article examines all of. these aspects of the Marshall Plan and how the campaigns actually worked in ... |
Against the confining boundaries of military
restraint, the terms of combat in the film are set by Oriental captors who
use psychological weapons. ... - 11k - |
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en HTML dirty bomb is primarily an economic and psychological weapon, a national emergency. response plan should make continuity of economic activity a central goal ... |
Against human attackers, honeypots can utilize
psychological weapons such as deception or deterrence to confuse or
stop attacks. ... - 30k - |
Professor Simon Wessely and colleagues argue
that the main purpose of these weapons is to wreak destruction via
psychological means - by inducing fear, ... |
In general, parent-offspring conflict is
expected to increase during the period of parental care, and offspring are
expected to employ psychological weapons ... - |
... Psychological Weapons of Fraud
Against the Elderly; Minimum, Maximum or Somewhere in Between:
Understanding Sentencing Guidelines; Cultural Competence;
... |
You need to understand that knives, razors and
other edged weapons enjoy a tremendous psychological
intimidation factor. Most people assume you are doomed ... - 39k - |
It is often assumed that al-Qa`ida will use such
weapons as soon as they manage ... However, given that
terrorism is in essence violence for psychological
... - 14k - |
Loud music has repeatedly been used as a
psychological weapon in siege situations (e.g., by the U.S. Army
against former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega ... - 19k - |
Killer mini-sites are studied psychological
weapons that need to be created with the proper care. Ahhh... But when
done correctly, a mini-site can make your ... |
Lasker, the chessboard Freudian who wielded
psychological weapons. Capablanca, dashingly handsome and to whom
everything came easy. ... - 16k - |
Beyond Psychological Theory: Getting Data
that Improves Games ... The information that "gamers hate
dumb-sounding weapons" or that "some of the weapons
... - 37k - |
Stern also recognizes that terrorism is first
and foremost a psychological weapon, and she does an effective job
of explaining the "dread factor," which is ... - 18k - |
The Psychological Impacts of Bioterrorism
... CBRNE weapons are especially effective at causing
terror.[3] As is the case with radiation, biological agents
... - |
Ideological and psychological weapons
were also used. This article examines all of these aspects of the Marshall
Plan and how the campaigns actually worked ... |
Pregnancy & Childcare (15588).
Psychology & Psychiatry (127477) ... Trinny &
Susannah: The Survival Guide - A Woman's Secret Weapon for Getting
Through the ... - 95k - |
Scholarly Books Weapons System Decisions:
Political and Psychological Perspectives on Continental Defense
- |
The only use against people mentioned was as a
psychological weapon. You guys seem to think that the US is
intentionally buring people to death with WP. ... | Indefensible Weapons: The
Political and Psychological Case Against Nuclearism: Books: Robert
Jay Lifton,Richard Falk by Robert Jay Lifton ... |
Bairnsfather did so much to lift the morale of
the troops, I wasn't sure if I should have listed him in the Armory under
psychological weapons. ... - 4k - |
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PDF/Adobe Acrobat psychological weapons’,. 75. the Foreign Office was bound by ministerial decision not. to incite subversion in Iron Curtain countries, and therefore ... |
August 1995 Mental Equipment: The Essence of
Imagery in Tennis. July 1995 Mental Equipment: Using the Weapons of
Sport Psychology in Tennis ... - 21k - |
The findings, published in the May issue of the
journal Psychological ... If the expectation is that we can
train screeners on one set of weapons and expect
... |
Can they also be caused by economic and
psychological weapons of mass frustration? I think you missed the
point! Join the conversation ... |
Ch. 3: Psychological Preparations LEARNI
WHA EXPEC The more one knows about the strange and fearful dangers from
nuclear weapons and about the strengths and ... - 23k - |
Editorials. Psychological implications of
chemical and biological weapons. Long term social and
psychological effects may be worse than acute ones
... - |
The desert is probably the worst place to use
chemical weapons unless ... was that it was effective as a
psychological weapon when first used but decreased
... |
In addition to this tactical emulation, the
bombings have also become a weapon of mass psychology. What
German psychologists call the "Werther effect,"10 in ... - 44k - |
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